Tips and Tricks To Sail Through Security

Tips and Tricks To Sail Through Security
In our new “Summer Chaos 24” Campaign, as the chaos of the airport experience unfolds, the narrator says, “There is a sacred time before any adventure.” And while that is 100 per cent correct, that sacred time sure isn’t being stuck in security. It’s the stickiest of all airport travel time, where time can slow to a honeyish consistency, and your dreams of adventure are slowed by a series of obstacles. And yet, as the film shows, there are ways of making travel more serene and removing obstacles even before they appear. Here are some of the best airport security hacks so you can get your adventure more quickly.
Fast Security Scheme: Pay To Play
Sometimes you just gotta pay to play, right? Schemes like the TSA PreCheck, Global Entry, or Clear programs will get you through security much faster. The TSA and Global Entry have an annual membership fee of around $80 that gets you expedited security screening benefits for flights departing from more than 200 U.S. airports, and 90 plus participating airlines. In Europe, through Clear, major airports such as Berlin, Amsterdam, Berlin and Heathrow have a similar fast-track security system that is free but does require booking your spot ahead of time.
Don’t Be The Water Chugger
We’ve all been there and we’ve all seen it; Lining up for security the people trying to skol two litres of water in three seconds, in some type of hydration record. Now the old water thing has been in place at security for more than two decades so there is no excuse. On the way to the airport, fill half your bottle, drink it en route timing it so your last sip is at the start of security. Then place the empty bottle in your Db side pocket (that mesh will take the heaviest of containers), pass through security and refill. And please, please, don’t be the water chugger.

Avoid The Big Queues
At some airports, you can access all terminals, concourses, and gates through a variety of security checkpoints. Every airport has an app with a map of the terminal showing the checkpoints, opening hours and which ones welcome Fast Track, priority schemes and premium flyers. Some apps even list the waiting times at each gate. By doing a little research and not following the herd, you can find security points with the smallest of queues.
A Fail To Pack Properly Is A Plan to Fail
Ideally, you can do this at home, but it’s also possible to take just a minute at the desks before security to get your house, or luggage, in order. Make sure your electronics and toiletry bag are easily accessible, should you need to take them out. Then pack any loose change, phonesand keys into your Db bag. The Hugger backpack, for example, has a zippered, easy-access top pocket tailor-made for such loose items. That saves them from getting lost in a tray and saves you valuable time collecting them on the other side.
Some travellers are time thieves and to be avoided at all costs in the security. Families with young children, through absolutely no fault of their own, should be swerved, given they need to take all their worthy possessions on their journey. Anyone with numerous printed boarding passes and itineraries in plastic sleeves is a massive red flag. And if you can peek into a bag of a fellow passenger and see the contents of half a chemist and cosmetics factory, try and get away and another line as fast as possible. Single businesspeople travelling lightly are always a safe bet, and good to slipstream behind.
Be positive, polite and courteous (and no bomb jokes)
Airport security officers like organised and courteous travellers. They aren’t so masochistic as to enjoy retesting water bottles or rummaging through 30 different, 150 ml bottles of face cream that haven’t been put in clear plastic bags. Clearly, bomb jokes or security-based hilarity (and weapons), don’t make their life any easier. By being organised, and polite, you’ll further grease the wheels and make your security experience as speedy and less stressful as possible.
Follow these hacks and you won’t need to be a water chugger or last-minute moisturiser applier as shown in the Summer Chaos campaign. You can sail through security as fast as possible and onto your adventure. All there is then is to avoid the beer chuggers, coffee spillers, plane clappers, football supporters….