Follow up every lead, (especially if you work in marketing)
I know, I know. Your email box is likely full, you get random calls from people who want free products and the company IG and Tik Tok i...

In Common
In Common In the first note I wrote for Db I recommended Sebastian Junger’s Tribe, and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Especially th...

We’re packing for Portugal now and it got me thinking... I’ve written about “all things travel” except for the luggage. You know, the thi...

There’s a song, a feel-good, get-outta-town folk anthem called All The Salt, in which John Craigie sings:If you come with me all your sor...

We’re home now, and I’m living in that enviable purgatory of having a job offer, but not yet a job. It makes for aimless days. On one of ...

At the dawn of the pandemic, when I began doing these postcards, I wrote a draft that started with the line, “I’ve never seen the Grand C...

On the small Atlantic island there was a small forest. The trees were ancient. Enchanted, even. Dana and I walked beneath them and watch...

We’re currently visiting our friend Greg on a small island in the Atlantic.On Friday, we surfed early and watched the sun slowly rise, ...

The waves at Praia do Norte, Nazare can get nearly 100 feet tall. On Monday, it was a playful 3 feet. The sun was out. The water was cl...

I’ve worked for a lot of brands, and “community building” is an often stated goal. In practice, this usually equates to asking question...

About five years ago I moved to Bend, Oregon. I only lasted about six months. Too far away from the ocean. But my arrival coincided wit...

You might remember a few months back when I mentioned The Anti-Blueprint Project, a coffee table book created by Db’s own Jonathan Weave...