Sold Out
Date of birth
July 10, 1995
Place of birth
Wilmington, North Carolina
One of our most asked questions is ‘how can I get a job at Db’. Yes, sending emails with ideas via things like the Db Fund is a great way to get your foot in the door, though quite often the best way is just finding someone who knows someone who works here. It’s not too hard to get us on the phone, and we like the informality of just having a chat - no need for archaic-looking CVs here.
That’s exactly what Sam did after wrapping a bunch of projects with our friends at Stab. He was moving to the UK and wanted to work with us, got in touch, pitched his angle, and armed with a set of glowing reviews, it didn’t take us long to think ‘we’re onto a winner here’. So, next thing he knew, he was being whisked off on a trip to LA to shoot a series for us. Trouble was, we had the concept, but we had no idea what we *actually* wanted it to look like. Saying the brief was vague would be an understatement. Despite this though, Sam rose to the challenge and made everything we’d had in our head for months a reality. He quickly became our go-to guy - filming, shooting, editing, traveling as we need and was even okay when we asked him to be the face of the series Pack Heavy, Chase Light. He’s one of the best examples of opening the door slightly then kicking it down and taking a spot at the table, and we’re all here for it.
Sam’s Favorite Db Gear
- Sam Moody